Before a few weeks ago i used to believe that life was ridicously hard & that we all just make names for ourselves & then...we die! But my perspective of life is kinda different. I learned about this thing called the secret. I ain't gon go on & on about this secret so if you wanna kno more about it looki it up on youtube. but i will tell u that the secret tells us that anythin in this world we can get w/o even really liftin a finger 2 get it. all u gotta do is ask. yea thas crazy rite? i thought that wen i first heard of it 2. since then i jus started havin the best attitude about evrything. even the lil problems i had w/ harlemlive. i turned those lil problem around 2 the good things that i discovered @ harlemlive. the people...the people here are jus so cool. i dont remember the last time i met a whole group of people that i really liked. anywhere i go i find sumone that i jus b wantin 2 smack but here i didnt meet that person. all of them are jus like me in a sense; whether they are mexican (lol), black, puerto rican, it jus doesn't matter here. everyone has the same opportunity for anything. the freedom...ooo i love that about HL! i can come in at anytime and leave at anytime but i still gotta make sure i do my hours u kno. anyway i can just sit here & type my blog with my earfones on, i can go in the fridge & get sumthin 2 drink, i can get on the computer, or i can take my time with my work but i still gotta make sure i meet my deadlines but that aint no problem. the size...although the space is mad small for us im glad that its just a few of us that comes in. i work better like that. i like knowin everybody's name & everybody knowin my name. small environments make me feel a lot more comfortable cuz it's better for me 2 b myself. @ my last job when I was 13 i worked at a place called abc (association to benefit children). i mean don't get me wrong i had mad fum there & created bonds with people that will forever b togther but there were a few people, i aint gon list no names, that i wanted 2 thump with on a daily basis. yea i had a few arguments & sumdays days i even contemplated murder, nah im jokin but then again im not! anyway we didnt have no freedom like the freedom i have here. we had a time 2 come in & a time 2 leave & if you came in later then we u were supposed 2 u had would have serious problems with our boss. i still miss abc although i bad mouthed them a lil jus now but now after all that i have been thru here @ HL i am grateful that i was here to experience it. plus before here i never used a MacBook or any type of Mac computer for that matter. HL introduced me to things that I always knew but was afraid to explore, things that i've never even heard of, & things that i did but it seemed more interesting when i did it here. the classes that i take here are kind of a hassle because the happen so later o in the day buy they contain so much valuable information. i wish i would have learned most of this stuff in jr. high so that i could have written a better valedictorian speech in my opinion. plus i never posted up a blogger until the whole month that i've been here. HL also boosted up my my creativity level and made me a little bit more confident about my public speaking & my writing. although this is a journlism & media organization, this is not what i wanna do w/ my life. i love all the information that i've learned here & this experience was none like no other but my heart is with animals. i just can't leave 'em alone lol! Ok so i'm gonna publish this bad boy so that johnny wont have a fot readon this tonite uz he b complainin about his poor lil eyes lol.
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