Saturday, August 11, 2007


This is my first saturday at harlem live. The funny part is I do not have to be here I am here because I want to be. It is not that I am suprised it is just that I want to work harder and harder every chance that I get. Me and my group are here today rehearsing. I know we can improve our presentation I am willing to try. Even if it means giving up a WEEKEND. We are going over all the key points. Just not in details because when you rehearse to much it becomes obvious in your presentation. We do not want to look rehearsed but we want to look as though we know what we are talking about and have cofidence in what we are saying. Some people might read and say how do you know what you need to do. Well these are just a couple of tips the pre-judges gave us at our practice presenations. So for any team reading this you should take that into concideration.

Now aside from that outside of Harlem Live I have to write a speech for the luncheon I am attending on thursday afternoon. This is going to be tight because that evening I have the awards ceremony for Harlem Live. I guess when I go home I can start the speech and try to finish. The earlier I can get the speech done the better because then I can begin to rehearse and it can become more familar with me. The more familar it is I will not have to use any index cards or take paper. Leaving more oppurtunity for eye contact. Opening the door for me to speak better and more rhetoric. Practicing and understanding what you want to say before you say it can make your presenation a whole lot better.

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