This is my first saturday at harlem live. The funny part is I do not have to be here I am here because I want to be. It is not that I am suprised it is just that I want to work harder and harder every chance that I get. Me and my group are here today rehearsing. I know we can improve our presentation I am willing to try. Even if it means giving up a WEEKEND. We are going over all the key points. Just not in details because when you rehearse to much it becomes obvious in your presentation. We do not want to look rehearsed but we want to look as though we know what we are talking about and have cofidence in what we are saying. Some people might read and say how do you know what you need to do. Well these are just a couple of tips the pre-judges gave us at our practice presenations. So for any team reading this you should take that into concideration.
Now aside from that outside of Harlem Live I have to write a speech for the luncheon I am attending on thursday afternoon. This is going to be tight because that evening I have the awards ceremony for Harlem Live. I guess when I go home I can start the speech and try to finish. The earlier I can get the speech done the better because then I can begin to rehearse and it can become more familar with me. The more familar it is I will not have to use any index cards or take paper. Leaving more oppurtunity for eye contact. Opening the door for me to speak better and more rhetoric. Practicing and understanding what you want to say before you say it can make your presenation a whole lot better.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
WOW/I want
Can you believe that the summer is almost over, and school is nearing. Wow talk about time flying by so fast. But any way I can't be more excited about starting college in less than a month hell in 3 weeks to be exact. Now what I will be majoring in is business administration, but I realized that business isn't really my thing, so I might go into communications. I just want to do something that is fun with my life. I want step out of a rolls royce with Louis Vuitton bag in my hand with a 10+ model coming out the car with me. I want to have a private jet, and fly to Japan, and St.Tropez. I want to party with celebrity's. Basically I want to live the luxury lifestyle, the glamorous life. But in order to get that WORK YOUR ASS OFF.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Yes another " great " day in the office. But who want to read a blog about that ?? Yesterday was my teams open house. I think it went well. We had snacks for our guest as well as great content. Even though a lot of people did not show the people that did come seemed very interested in what we have had to say. Despite the turnout we just gave them our all. It was much better to have a small crowd we could control then to have a large one that no one cared about what we were saying. That is why I was very careful about the people I invited. Success is not only in numbers.
Thinking of that makes me remember a quote my literacy coach made me analyze. It said " 80 percent of success is showing up. " What many people fail to realize is just showing up for something or being present has a big impact. That is why alot of people fail or dropout of school because they don't show up. Once you are somewhere you are allowing yourself the opportunity to gain a new experience and learn something you did not know before. When you do not show up or attend something you set yourself short for oppurtunity. Show up because that is where 80 % of success is making it easier to put in the other 20 %.
Thinking of that makes me remember a quote my literacy coach made me analyze. It said " 80 percent of success is showing up. " What many people fail to realize is just showing up for something or being present has a big impact. That is why alot of people fail or dropout of school because they don't show up. Once you are somewhere you are allowing yourself the opportunity to gain a new experience and learn something you did not know before. When you do not show up or attend something you set yourself short for oppurtunity. Show up because that is where 80 % of success is making it easier to put in the other 20 %.
The Daily News of D-Nyce Pt III
It is so hott outside...its not even funny. It seems that I can not get away from this heat no matter how i dress. THe otha day i had on jeans & a wife beater & i was burnin. Today Im wearin very short shorts w/ a wifebeater & im still burnin cuz most of my skin is exposed. I wanna go 2 the pool but it seems that I neva know wat day 2 go or i neva have the time. but i vow rite now (uh oh that rhyme lol) that b4 september i am goin 2 the pool. anyway its wednesday (o snap my rhymin skillz is tight lol). nuthin ever really happens on wednesdays. its the middle of the week & the summer media challenge is almost ova. w/ all the new changes thas been goin on w/ the teams im not even sure if my team will win. its not bcuz we aint a good team cuz we got proof that we are an excellent team...its jus that the otha 2 teams are mixed 2getha & i feel that thas not fair. in that case if they wanted 2 mix the teams they shuld have gave us sum strong membas of the 2 teams. its like 6 of us & like at least 10 of them. if each person on my team writes a story thas 6 stories ok now if the otha team does that same thing then that means that thas like 10+ stories. thas crazy! b4 the teams were changed hasha gure was way in the lead & we did that on our own. we didnt have a bigger advantage ova the otha teams. we were all equal but we jus showed that we are betta. w/ the changes now that are goin on w/ the teams our chances of winnin are slim unless we start rackin up on like 5 stories a day. but i aint doin that cuz thas ridiculous. iight anyway the presentation @ columbia is next week & w/ that i am confident about. i feel that we could win that. i guess its cuz we have been preparin for it for a long time & the otha team mite not b able 2 adjust 2 the changes that quickly. glad that rich brought 2 my attention that i can use my privledges as a journalist 2 go into the world of veterinary. i always wnated 2 b a veterinarian since i was 2 years old. i have considered otha professions but it seems that i always go bac 2 wantin 2 b a vet. i didnt kno how i was goin 2 get started w/ it but now i think i jus mite kno how... glad that rich brought 2 my attention that i can use my privledges as a journalist 2 go into the world of veterinary. i always wnated 2 b a veterinarian since i was 2 years old. i have considered otha professions but it seems that i always go bac 2 wantin 2 b a vet. i didnt kno how i was goin 2 get started w/ it but now i think i jus mite kno how...
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
corporate america a good or bad thing?
Is corporate America a good thing or bad thing in the work force? Here are the pros and cons, and my opinion of it. Corporate America produces billions of dollars a year. But you must know that there is a lot of discrimination, and racism in corporate America. Now the majority of the race is Caucasian, but you do have your Asian, blacks, and Latinos. But the most is Caucasian.
The corporate world can be a scary place, but if it is your job you have to do what you have to do to get that pay check. You never know when you are going to get fired because someone else is always trying to out do you and get that same position you are trying to strive for.
The corporate world can be a scary place, but if it is your job you have to do what you have to do to get that pay check. You never know when you are going to get fired because someone else is always trying to out do you and get that same position you are trying to strive for.
yo yo kmd in tha house (crowd cheers) yes thats rite im offically been traded to Team hasha gure i kno that was so damn messed up i liked my team and everythingu kno it was so laid back and everything man thats messed up but imma miss team swagg an all the only real thing that imma miss is the laid backness of my team now im on a new team and i hope they dont be like i u gotta put a little more or get on ya shit man im not fixxin to work my ass off and the competition is about to end soon so i mean wats the point but i will produce some stories keyword is some not alot im not the king at doing stuff but anyway back to the main point ill see how it goes with my new team so for rite now im jus gonna sit back and relax for a while and maybe ill do a pos wit mookie lol i said mookie gee i wonder who that is i mean its not that i hate this team it the simple being that i dont like people who like to boss people or mainly me not saying that in a negative way but i dont like athourity at all and to answer a question im not doing blogs this damn long ok and i kno i cant spell but i can tel u now im gonna relax so peace this was a kmd special event reportin live from kmd headquaters this is Mojo back to u crystal thank u mojo this was 12 o clock news the life i live is next.
New Edition
Hasha Gure has a new edition to the team. His name is Maurice from the Green team aka team Swagg. Rich combined Deft Fusion w/ team Swagg cuz he said that 2 many members were absent ova the past couple of days. Me & chris think othawise. we think that they combined the 2 teams bcuz the Blue team is currently knockin the competiton outt the water! we are so far in the lead that it may b impossible 4 the otha teams 2 catch up by the time of the awrds ceremony next week. this is good. well now we have as many memebers as wen mary was here. o yea thas also wat i wanna address. its crazy how mary left cuz shes movin. but cums 2 find out shes not movin until the 27 of this month. she still culd have participated in the summer media challenege but she left 4 otha reasons that i am unclear about. anyway back 2 this new memeber named maurice. here is my message 2 him: welcum 2 hasha gure. we are in the lead & thas where we wanna stay! i say this so that u can see the seriousness in this competition & not have a comme ci comme ca (means so so in french) attitude which u mite have had bein apart of team Swagg. nuthin against team Swagg or Deft Fusion its just that i wanna win! ok message ova.
I cant wait until i turn 18!!! omg u do not kno how serious i am. i can not live w/ my moms & my pops anymore. they are drivin my crazy! everythin i seem 2 do nowadays is a problem 4 them. if i live the house late 2 cum 2 work its obvious that im gonna cum home late. thas a problem cuz they are worried about how im gonna get home. i dont fault them 4 worryin about my safety but yesterday i figured that she would jump in flips wen she found out that jose was drivin me home. instead she turned our 5 minute conversation (5 minutes seems like a long time wen u r gettin yelled @) into a 21 question game show as if i wuld get in the car w/ jus anybody. like im dumb 2 the point where a man named Mo Lester would ask 2 drive me home & i would accept. now if i leave the house 2 early its a problem cuz i didnt clean this or i didnt wash that. how the hell am i supposed 2 b mindful about those kinda things wen the only thing im worried about in the mornings are gettin outta the house on time. so im damned if i do & im damned if i dont. there are otha issues i have w/ my parents but i dont wanna talk about it cuz i dont wanna get mad all ova again. so ima jus end this blog cuz typin on this keyboard is terrible cuz the keys are stuck & my nails are 2 long 2 type.
I cant wait until i turn 18!!! omg u do not kno how serious i am. i can not live w/ my moms & my pops anymore. they are drivin my crazy! everythin i seem 2 do nowadays is a problem 4 them. if i live the house late 2 cum 2 work its obvious that im gonna cum home late. thas a problem cuz they are worried about how im gonna get home. i dont fault them 4 worryin about my safety but yesterday i figured that she would jump in flips wen she found out that jose was drivin me home. instead she turned our 5 minute conversation (5 minutes seems like a long time wen u r gettin yelled @) into a 21 question game show as if i wuld get in the car w/ jus anybody. like im dumb 2 the point where a man named Mo Lester would ask 2 drive me home & i would accept. now if i leave the house 2 early its a problem cuz i didnt clean this or i didnt wash that. how the hell am i supposed 2 b mindful about those kinda things wen the only thing im worried about in the mornings are gettin outta the house on time. so im damned if i do & im damned if i dont. there are otha issues i have w/ my parents but i dont wanna talk about it cuz i dont wanna get mad all ova again. so ima jus end this blog cuz typin on this keyboard is terrible cuz the keys are stuck & my nails are 2 long 2 type.
Monday, August 6, 2007
We are getting closer and closer to the presenation. I am very happy. My group is bonding more and sometimes I wish the challenge was longer because I know we can produce so much more great work. Between our meetings , texting , email and all other forms of communications we get all sorts of great work done. There is never a dull moment because even in tuff times we make each other laugh and smile. The work process of my group is very effective. Some people draft out what we will do and say and others design. This is how things get down faster and and more and effective. Even though Harlem Live teaches you and have workshops , my group taught be alot. We work so well together with our different personalities making us look foward to work together. We really are great leaders.
Even when I go back to school I plan to recruit alot of people in my school. With the members of Harlem Live that are outside of my group their are alot if dedicated workers. Each group has members that are good in different things. This fall I know Harlem Live will accomplish great things because we will all be one as a whole. Our videos will be powerfull , stories will be detailed and photos will be vivid. My blogs will be better also because I will not be as tired. School is nothing like my internship. At my internship I have to stay on my feet all day answer question and keep up on the news because you never know when they might ask you something. At school , I am about to be a senior and i passed all my regents so it will be a breeze. I might not get another internship so you know what that means.........................
HARLEM LIVE , im all yours
Even when I go back to school I plan to recruit alot of people in my school. With the members of Harlem Live that are outside of my group their are alot if dedicated workers. Each group has members that are good in different things. This fall I know Harlem Live will accomplish great things because we will all be one as a whole. Our videos will be powerfull , stories will be detailed and photos will be vivid. My blogs will be better also because I will not be as tired. School is nothing like my internship. At my internship I have to stay on my feet all day answer question and keep up on the news because you never know when they might ask you something. At school , I am about to be a senior and i passed all my regents so it will be a breeze. I might not get another internship so you know what that means.........................
HARLEM LIVE , im all yours
where I want to be at 25
Wow 25. I am 18 now but I always take a second to think about my future, and where and what I want to be in my life. Lets see hmmmm, oh I want to be rich and famous. Well who doesn't. But I have a lot of faith in myself that I will have that position at 25. You don't understand I eat, sleep, breath that shit and I bet you that I will have that . Now what I would want my occupation to be is and actor. I love the entertainment industry. If you ask any of my friends they will tell you that I am love with that industry. I know that it is a hustle make it in, but I think with hard work, and dedication and a dip of blood, sweat, and tears you can make it. But I believe that is with any industry or career you would want to get into.
I am growing as a person, not only physically but mentally. Since graduating from high school I notice that a lot of shit is bullshit. Friends they come and they go. When you start making something out of yourself then you will notice who was your real friends and who wasn't. You can do it to. Just watch who you role with.
I am growing as a person, not only physically but mentally. Since graduating from high school I notice that a lot of shit is bullshit. Friends they come and they go. When you start making something out of yourself then you will notice who was your real friends and who wasn't. You can do it to. Just watch who you role with.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
ummmmmmmmmm last night. I told you guys that lighting is no joke, it was crazy. It was mad scary all I know was that I heard was a Loud BANG then I saw a flash n that was it everything want out, the t.v, the lights, the phone evrything. for like a quick minute. then wen everything came back on I got a phone call from Raven thinking she calling to see if im ok, or she was trying to get some G put in her head from the kid, and she started talking about possbile storys and what not for HL. (what, I guess work never stop) now I know how my men diddy feel. Its cool though I love hard workers. But I got some kind of vibes from certain people that is missing with my mind. Like there is a certain person on my group that loves to qoute pharrell lines. some good lines to that makes alot of since but why say them when u do the oppsite. read them 4 ur self. n there is another person on my team that hate when people curse around them but when you go to there myspace page they got there middle finger up. ok people wats going. P.S there is a meeting for hasha gure this monday it is very important every member most attend. 1 more time, this meeting is very important. very. but people lets talk, but also walk wat we talk.O YEAH BIGG SHOUT OUT TO MY DUDES MELVIN I LOVE U DOGS ( A REAL NIG** DONT HAVE TO SAY NO HOMO)copy writed by jada kiss.YO WHEN THINGS CHANGE AND MY LIFE Im going to BRING YOU WITH ME THATS MY WORD. IN THIS WEEK SONG/movie IS 4 U PIMPIN
Friday, August 3, 2007
Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, we got another win, thats wats up. Im just glad this team did not look like last week. We are to good to be at the bottom. we just got to keep doing what we do, time is running out. Next thing you know we be the winners and the HL blogger would be name Hasha Gure and we would go in the books as one of the HL syep media challenge winners. Tats whats up, (we can not slack off). But everytime I come on here I give some speech about everything its kind of tired now. Bigup to my man Ravi and Kevin, Youll my dudes real talk youll some true Hasha Gure(let be put that in your language: Great Champion.) Also Big shoutout to my dude sharfiy, mad cool.
The reason y im shouting out these dudes is because they are the reason I stay up on my toes. They are mad cool and smart, That is very scary. lolO yeah sharfiy u got paid two times 2day, I want my money for my chicken Wing u digg lol. But 2day was a cool nice laid back day. not because we won, it really donot have nothing to do with Hl it is because I did not have to really fus and fight with nobody in my crib, It seem like a everydaything n today nothing want down that is real cool. 2day is not over but im just going to go asleep. n dream 4 some money n a better life for my family. (wifey and son).But it is thundering outside and being online is dangers so later 200 words I donot kno about that i aint trying to get elerticated(spelled wrong)
The reason y im shouting out these dudes is because they are the reason I stay up on my toes. They are mad cool and smart, That is very scary. lolO yeah sharfiy u got paid two times 2day, I want my money for my chicken Wing u digg lol. But 2day was a cool nice laid back day. not because we won, it really donot have nothing to do with Hl it is because I did not have to really fus and fight with nobody in my crib, It seem like a everydaything n today nothing want down that is real cool. 2day is not over but im just going to go asleep. n dream 4 some money n a better life for my family. (wifey and son).But it is thundering outside and being online is dangers so later 200 words I donot kno about that i aint trying to get elerticated(spelled wrong)
The Daily News of D-Nyce Pt. II
Hmm...i love the summertime. i love the feelin of no worries & cumin & goin wenever i pleez. i love goin 2 sleep @ 3 in the mornin & wakin up @ 10 still sleepy but watchin my cartoons eatin a big ass bowl of frosted flakes. i love hangin out w/ my friends, goin 2 the pool & walkin past those boys that me & my gurls snicker about on the low. i love the sun most of all cuz i get 2 wear my infamous shorts. im known for wearin shorts in the summer. i try 2 show as much as possible without lettin it all out if you kno what i mean. but rite now i wanna go bac 2 skool! ima b openin a new chapter in my life cuz kappa 2's chapter is shut close w/ lock on it lol. i cant wait 2 start high skool. i wanna experience goin 2 my locker & bein apart of those stereotypical cliques that all those teen movies have. i always catch myself sayin in the summer that i cant wait 4 skool 2 start but then wen skool starts i wanna go rite bac 2 summer vacation. but nah seriously i wanna go 2 skool. anyway today, ravi, maunel, maurice, & i went out 2 lunch together. we walkin up 125 cuz maurice wanted 2 go 2 the bank. we cum back outta the bank & we see this man givin out young b's cd. notice i said givin out. the guy says that young b wants harlem 2 have her cd for free & tht we dont have 2 pay. BULLSHIT! excuse my language but thas dumb. she knew that harlem was not gon pay for her cd so she decided 2 give it out for free...& people still wasnt takin it. i took one & although it was free i think i paid 2 much. have u ever really stopped & think that people, black people, made a song called chicken noodle soup. i was 2 busy gettin the lite feet 2 that song that i never really jus sat down & thought about the lyrics. chicken noodle soup w/ a damn soda on the side. wat in the hell? wen i eat chicken noodle soup i dont drink no soda w/ that. if me & a thousand of other lil black kids that like that song ate chicken noodle soup w/ soda all our asses would b on that me. & the part that i wanted 2 bring out was "let it rain, clear it out" wat does that really mean. i know that if you @ a party & your song come on like aunt jackie (thas another song ima bring up lata) you want the crowd 2 clear the floor so u can dance. but 1 thing has absolutely nuthin 2 do w/ the other. movin rite along wat the hell is the aunt jackie-ok im not gon even front that dance is fire & wen i hear the beat cum on @ a party i b gettin mad hype but still it doesnt make any sense. the lyrics got nuthin 2 do w/ his aunt jackie & 2 b truthful i dont have an aunt jackie. jason foxx probly dont either. all these dances cumin out look like they were created wen the creators were high & had nuthin else 2 do. & wen they recorded & put out into the public they become instant hits. ima cum out w/ a stupid song called "the pizza". i thought of that wen i was in jr. high w/ my gurls in class. that dance was crack but of course i cant show u how we did it on the blogger. i wanna see wat sumone cums out w/ next & i bet u its gon b madd stupid 2 the point where everyone all over america are gonna think that once again black kids in harlem are mad ignorant. but u kno harlem...they dont care wat anyone thinks as long as no one cums in there tryna run shit. but anyway i wanna talk about my tooth rite now. this thing is killin me! ima have 2 start carryin around dental floss so after i eat i can floss cuz this same thing happened 2 me yesterday & i had 2 ride all the home in misery. umm...wat else can i talk about: o yea i got paid 2day & w/ this check im doin wateva the hell i want w this one. i felt like w/ my first one i was obligated 2 do wat my moms & pops told me 2 do w/ it. im gonna save it of course but im gonna spend it on sumthin other than sum damn metrocards & sum food. i cant wait cuz im goin shoppin 2morrow- whether my moms like it or not. (oww my tooth!) anyway im jus sittin her typin waitin 4 6:00 so that Hasha Gure can do the damn thing & win this presentation so that on august 16 we culd be crowned the winners. i have no doubt that we wont win cuz i mean c'mon...we great champions!
Day 3 on life
Life. This is my perspective on life, here is a little slogan that I saw someone have on their myspace profile "success is that thing you would have if you would get off of your ass". Just take a minute to think about that quote because it says a whole lot about a person. Remember yesterday when I was explaining about what Pharrell said in his song you can do it too. That quote brings truth to it, if you are lazy and have no motivation to do anything then you will see no succsess in your life.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thumbs Up HL!

Before a few weeks ago i used to believe that life was ridicously hard & that we all just make names for ourselves & then...we die! But my perspective of life is kinda different. I learned about this thing called the secret. I ain't gon go on & on about this secret so if you wanna kno more about it looki it up on youtube. but i will tell u that the secret tells us that anythin in this world we can get w/o even really liftin a finger 2 get it. all u gotta do is ask. yea thas crazy rite? i thought that wen i first heard of it 2. since then i jus started havin the best attitude about evrything. even the lil problems i had w/ harlemlive. i turned those lil problem around 2 the good things that i discovered @ harlemlive. the people...the people here are jus so cool. i dont remember the last time i met a whole group of people that i really liked. anywhere i go i find sumone that i jus b wantin 2 smack but here i didnt meet that person. all of them are jus like me in a sense; whether they are mexican (lol), black, puerto rican, it jus doesn't matter here. everyone has the same opportunity for anything. the i love that about HL! i can come in at anytime and leave at anytime but i still gotta make sure i do my hours u kno. anyway i can just sit here & type my blog with my earfones on, i can go in the fridge & get sumthin 2 drink, i can get on the computer, or i can take my time with my work but i still gotta make sure i meet my deadlines but that aint no problem. the size...although the space is mad small for us im glad that its just a few of us that comes in. i work better like that. i like knowin everybody's name & everybody knowin my name. small environments make me feel a lot more comfortable cuz it's better for me 2 b myself. @ my last job when I was 13 i worked at a place called abc (association to benefit children). i mean don't get me wrong i had mad fum there & created bonds with people that will forever b togther but there were a few people, i aint gon list no names, that i wanted 2 thump with on a daily basis. yea i had a few arguments & sumdays days i even contemplated murder, nah im jokin but then again im not! anyway we didnt have no freedom like the freedom i have here. we had a time 2 come in & a time 2 leave & if you came in later then we u were supposed 2 u had would have serious problems with our boss. i still miss abc although i bad mouthed them a lil jus now but now after all that i have been thru here @ HL i am grateful that i was here to experience it. plus before here i never used a MacBook or any type of Mac computer for that matter. HL introduced me to things that I always knew but was afraid to explore, things that i've never even heard of, & things that i did but it seemed more interesting when i did it here. the classes that i take here are kind of a hassle because the happen so later o in the day buy they contain so much valuable information. i wish i would have learned most of this stuff in jr. high so that i could have written a better valedictorian speech in my opinion. plus i never posted up a blogger until the whole month that i've been here. HL also boosted up my my creativity level and made me a little bit more confident about my public speaking & my writing. although this is a journlism & media organization, this is not what i wanna do w/ my life. i love all the information that i've learned here & this experience was none like no other but my heart is with animals. i just can't leave 'em alone lol! Ok so i'm gonna publish this bad boy so that johnny wont have a fot readon this tonite uz he b complainin about his poor lil eyes lol.
well today/ continuation from yesterday.
Well let me think right now. I have writers block, so please bare with me. Oh, well I am listening to my ipod right now. The song that is playing right now is Busta Rhymes break ya neck. I love that song, and a huge fan of Busta. But any way today we have been working on our presentation for friday. I am not going to tell you the full details of our presentation but I will give you a brief synopsis of our strategy. Well the name of our company is M.R.C, and we plan to demolish our competition enough said. Yesterday I didn't get to finish my blog up that had so here are the finishing lines.
Life. What do I plan to do with my life, as you know I will be attending college in the fall so as of right now I am on the right track to achieve success. Now I dont mean to preach to yall but what I am about to say is some deep sh*t. Pharrell said this in his song you can do it too. you people was cool in school, now you take orders I am not dissing your job but now you listen to nod, and I know this position is odd. Now this is what Pharrell is basically saying that all you people that wanted to be the it crowd in school want to get rich and live the glamorous life. Now you work a 9-5, and you have a boss telling you what to do every single day just so you can get that pay check. The part when he says I know this position is odd, he be is basically talking about his position in life. the guy gets $80 million a year probably even more, and he is sending a message to all the people my age and younger that if I have all of this you can have to but if you keep your faith in yourself and God and watch who your hang out with and trust.
Life. What do I plan to do with my life, as you know I will be attending college in the fall so as of right now I am on the right track to achieve success. Now I dont mean to preach to yall but what I am about to say is some deep sh*t. Pharrell said this in his song you can do it too. you people was cool in school, now you take orders I am not dissing your job but now you listen to nod, and I know this position is odd. Now this is what Pharrell is basically saying that all you people that wanted to be the it crowd in school want to get rich and live the glamorous life. Now you work a 9-5, and you have a boss telling you what to do every single day just so you can get that pay check. The part when he says I know this position is odd, he be is basically talking about his position in life. the guy gets $80 million a year probably even more, and he is sending a message to all the people my age and younger that if I have all of this you can have to but if you keep your faith in yourself and God and watch who your hang out with and trust.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Yesterday was a Day ago
My title is exactly what I'm gonna talk about...yesterday; June 31, 2007. Yea it was an exciting day for me for some reason. It started out good because I got to the HL lair early. I believe that it's better to get here early because you get more done and just when you are about to go home, you don't have that much to do. OK anyway I got here and like at 10 something and it was just me & Mel here. Iight so me & Mel chillin' here and Chris & Ravi comes in. They was talkin bout somethin with Mel while I'm on the computer working on my presentation for today. OK so something happens that I don't feel like mentioning and we all end up locked outta the office in the lil emergency exit thing in the left corner of the office. We go upstairs on this small ass elevator and go 2 the the super's door to see if he can get us back in. Iight so we in the lobby waitin & its no answer. Ok so the next step is someone gettin the nerve 2 b tarzan & climb the front gate 2 let us in then someone climbin in the window. Now the first one climbin was Ravi. He climbs over the black front gate & lets us in. The four of us go down the stairs & the second candidate to do some climbin is of Iight I knew I was gonna end up doing some jungle shit. So we get to the windows & guess what? There are bars on the windows. Wow. Now what are we gonna do I'm thinkin. I guess we gotta wait for the super or someone like johnny or aleah. Now we chillin in front of the stoop tryin 2 bring some type of humor 2 the situation that we in right now. Now we see Kaira walkin down the street smoking a cigarette. I see the look on Melvin's face & it looks like he's gonna need one of those right now lol. He smokin & talkin on his cell lookin like a true New Yorker. Iight so we put Kaira on 2 the mishap & we see the super's wife comin w/ her grandson (I think) Tobias. We then put her on 2 the situation & 2 make a long story short all 7 of us pack into that small ass elevator & this time it seems smaller with Chris puttin his big butt on me lol. We get in the office safe and sound. Some odd hourse later... now I get some stories from Chris to work on and I sit in the video room with Jose' and Manuel. I'm typin, Jose is editin this video he shot & Manuel was, i don't really kno what he was doin but anyway we doin wat we gotta do. Idk about y'all but wen im sittin in 1 spot for 2 long i get tired & the only things that'll wake me up are a good movie or some music. We couldn't watch a movie obviously cuz we were workin but we could listen to music. so me & jose in there gettin it right w/ the music...singin, dancin, & havin a ball although we were still workin. i get my story done & i go on my lil lunch break. then while im eatin me, manuel & moe r in the kitchen shootin da breeze but then i got kinda annoyed cuz it became 21 questions up in there about my love life. anyway 2 make this joint shorter cuz right now it looks like evry1 is about 2 bounce we go 2 the tribeca hotel 2 see this movie called bling: a planet rock. that movie made me experience a different emotion every 5 minutes. @ first i was happy to be watchin it because it's main subject was hip-hop. i love hip-hop music. then i felt sad for the african people livin in poverty & the amputees & the girls that were raped & abused. next i started feelin quite happy because there were moments in the movie when i laughed. after that @ the end i started feelin grateful. grateful that i can drink clean runnin water & that i can go into my refrigerator whenever i wanted & that my education is free & that i have different clothes 2 where evryday let alone my 160$ jeans. then i got mad @ myself for being 2 fortunate. i don't remember the last time a movie made me fell like that all @ once. those kind of issues are good 2 kno about but i don't like watchin them. it never fails that i always feel like i am obligated 2 help the less fortunate wen i watch those documentaries but i kno that i wont. i guess its because i feel i have more important things 2 worry about like my hair or gettin new clothes wen a whole country is in poverty & suffering. i think that i have it bad wen i cant get my some new kicks cuz my moms aint got it right now wen children walk around the street w/ no shoes on or have no feet 2 put shoes on. *{sigh}* aww poor daryal. wen is my selfishness gonna end? think
My thoughts on life
Hello everyone its ya boy Manuel. I have been busy with a lot of things, so this is why I haven't been able to write up any blogs. I have been dealing with college because s you know I am starting in the fall at Suny Westchester Community College. I feel that must come first, and anything else that have to deal with me or family issues must come first, before I deal with any work activities with Harlemlive.
So far my summer has been okay. This isn't the best summer I have had because I have been really tires and stressed about a lot of things. I planned on having a vacation and partying because well this is my good bye to high school, but I realized in life that when you get older there are certain things in life that you must do with out, and make sacrifices for what is more important. I also realized that I am getting older. High school is over and there are some things that are irrelevant in my journey called life. For example people. Another theory is that in life you have to see between the thick layers of their skin.
So far my summer has been okay. This isn't the best summer I have had because I have been really tires and stressed about a lot of things. I planned on having a vacation and partying because well this is my good bye to high school, but I realized in life that when you get older there are certain things in life that you must do with out, and make sacrifices for what is more important. I also realized that I am getting older. High school is over and there are some things that are irrelevant in my journey called life. For example people. Another theory is that in life you have to see between the thick layers of their skin.
HMM... Life
Well i am not going to lie . I am a slight bit down. I got told today that a story I worked hard and gave thought to was boring. I mean its political it may come across boring but what about it being easy to understand and informative. I guess that is one of the worst things about being a journalist , the critisism. You just have to stick by your work.
On a good note I went to the premire of BLING last night at the Tribeca Grand Hotel. The movie was great I enjoyed it. It was kind of wierd because I am a ambassodor in this group under generation engage but I also write for Harlem Live. Usually I would have to miss one or the other but this is an event I was able to enjoy with both groups. Things like that need to happen more often because I dont want to ever stop a commitment that I have but sometimes it gets difficult when I have to make a decision of which I will put in front of the other.
On a good note I went to the premire of BLING last night at the Tribeca Grand Hotel. The movie was great I enjoyed it. It was kind of wierd because I am a ambassodor in this group under generation engage but I also write for Harlem Live. Usually I would have to miss one or the other but this is an event I was able to enjoy with both groups. Things like that need to happen more often because I dont want to ever stop a commitment that I have but sometimes it gets difficult when I have to make a decision of which I will put in front of the other.
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