yo i first wanna say 2 my teammates that i truly have so much respect 4 y'all. for the time bein i had so much fun w/ u guys & i appreciate u all 4 steppin up & actin as if we are all a unit. i wanna stay in touch w/ u all cuz i really had a ball workin w/ y'all...Chris, Jose, Manuel, Darryl, Raven, Mary. Don't worry guys this is not goodbye, its a see you later. Now im leavin cuz of an incident that happen yesterday between rich & my pops. now i dont really kno wat happened but im sidin w/ my family of course. i came 2day 2 c how things were gonna b & how the staff was gonna react towards me. & wen i was about 2 go w/ my team 2 hand out the fliers rich said the words that i was expectin..."we need 2 talk". so i talked w/ him & melvin & went on my merry way 2 pass out those dreaded fliers on 42nd street. kevin from deft fusion video taped it & i must say that i saw the most craziest thing eva! ayo kevin & i saw a naked lady walkin down the street & her whole body includin her face was painted in blue paint. she was walkin in front of me & i stopped handin out the fliers 2 look @ her makin sure that wat i saw was wat i saw. the lady looked @ me & laffed wen she saw my facial expression. i culdnt even believe it so i took like a 10 second break & continued 2 hand out my fliers. while im handin them out i c my best friends grandma. i was so happy that i saw sum1 i knew cuz i knew that she was gonna take a flier. b4 all of this tho kevin & i 1st shot our footage in front of chase bank. the police came up 2 us & said that we had 2 move bcuz we culdnt shoot in front of there. ok no problem i thought but i didnt kno where else 2 go. so kevin walked w/ me up the block until we got 2 a spot where i was most comfortable handin them things out. i was pretty nervous @ 1st but as time grew on i got the hang of it. i was al little bit 2 comfortable cuz i realized that we didnt have much time & i still had like about 200 fliers. i thought damn! wat am i gonna do. so i started walkin up 2 any1, even children askin them if they wanted fliers. wen time was up i looked @ my stack & it looked as if i didnt even put a dent in it. so im like dag...i hope jose did a betta job then me. so kevin & i walk up the block 2 wen we were all 2getha & calls jose. afta about 2 times tryin 2 call him, on the 3rd try we got in touch w/ him & old him that time was up. like the persistent person he is he told kevin that he wasnt stoppin cuz it culdnt have been ova that quick. so i look @ my fone & notice that it was 4:37. omg i thought, i remember shalise sayin that we had until 5:00 2 stop handin the out. kevin didnt believe me so he called harlemlive & like i said shalise said that we had until 5. so i told kevin that he needed 2 hurry up & cut on the video camera so that i can continue my job passin out these fliers. thas wen things started 2 pick up & thas wen i saw this man dressed a s a lil gurl w/ pigtails & a dress w/ a lollipop. i asked if he wanted a flier but he didnt but i still told kevin 2 follow him & shoot him on video. i followed this guy dressed like a lil gurl & told him that he looked fabulous lol. he did a little curtsey's 4 the camera. wow i thought the freaks only came out @ nite but i guess that rule doesnt apply 2 New York. anyway i was so flabbergasted (yes i had 2 use the big word) wen i saw that i was all out of fliers. i wanted 2 hurry up & meet up w/ jose so that i can c how he passin out skills were goin. & wen we all meet up he had a big stack. so i told him 2 give me half & wen i knocked that off i wuld get more. i was finished w/ that in no time so i got more & more & wen i realized it, we only had 1 flier left. i practically threw it @ the person wen i handed it 2 them. "wat's our timin kevin?" i asked. "47 minutes" HOORAY!!!!!! i was so happy. i had 2 say my words in front of the camera. "take that team swagg!" i said. it was crazy cuz we won by a thin strand of hair. team swagg had 48 minutes & we had 47. so on the ride home im all excited cuz i cant wait 2 get back 2 rub in their faces cuz they swore up & down that we were gonna lose. now i kno i said in my previous blog that i dont like 2 do that but this wasnt personal, it was jus business. iight so i walk in & im grinnin from ear 2 ear wen melvin cums outta the office sayin that he got a fone called from his cuzzin sayin that 1 of the harlemlive kids ave out about 10 fliers & thas cheatin & there is a possibility that our victory by a nose wasnt really a victory @ all. yes u kno it...i was pissed. "no" i kept sayin. i culdnt believe that under the circumstances that only 3 ppl from my team was here 2day & that we started extra late that we didnt win cuz of wat melvins cuzzin said. now u kno that the otha team members from deft fusion was there & their team is in last place w/ the contest of these fliers & they are in last place in general. so if we were doin sumthin that we werent supposed 2 b doin u kno that they wuld have said sumthin 2 us or 2 rich or melvin. i was so tight! i culdnt believe it. now they wanna tell me that there is only a possibility that we cheated & they will look into. but 4 now in my opinion, we won. i dont care man cuz that really isnt fair. on the ride 2 forty deuce i was contemplatin if whether or not i shuld b outta here & considerin evrythin that has happened & evrythin that im goin thru now thas makin me feel uncomfortable, i think ima go w/ that. i contributed alot 2 my team & im proud of them. i cant stress eunuff on how i dont wanna leave them hangin but i gotta go yo. i jus gotta go...peace!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
yo i first wanna say 2 my teammates that i truly have so much respect 4 y'all. for the time bein i had so much fun w/ u guys & i appreciate u all 4 steppin up & actin as if we are all a unit. i wanna stay in touch w/ u all cuz i really had a ball workin w/ y'all...Chris, Jose, Manuel, Darryl, Raven, Mary. Don't worry guys this is not goodbye, its a see you later. Now im leavin cuz of an incident that happen yesterday between rich & my pops. now i dont really kno wat happened but im sidin w/ my family of course. i came 2day 2 c how things were gonna b & how the staff was gonna react towards me. & wen i was about 2 go w/ my team 2 hand out the fliers rich said the words that i was expectin..."we need 2 talk". so i talked w/ him & melvin & went on my merry way 2 pass out those dreaded fliers on 42nd street. kevin from deft fusion video taped it & i must say that i saw the most craziest thing eva! ayo kevin & i saw a naked lady walkin down the street & her whole body includin her face was painted in blue paint. she was walkin in front of me & i stopped handin out the fliers 2 look @ her makin sure that wat i saw was wat i saw. the lady looked @ me & laffed wen she saw my facial expression. i culdnt even believe it so i took like a 10 second break & continued 2 hand out my fliers. while im handin them out i c my best friends grandma. i was so happy that i saw sum1 i knew cuz i knew that she was gonna take a flier. b4 all of this tho kevin & i 1st shot our footage in front of chase bank. the police came up 2 us & said that we had 2 move bcuz we culdnt shoot in front of there. ok no problem i thought but i didnt kno where else 2 go. so kevin walked w/ me up the block until we got 2 a spot where i was most comfortable handin them things out. i was pretty nervous @ 1st but as time grew on i got the hang of it. i was al little bit 2 comfortable cuz i realized that we didnt have much time & i still had like about 200 fliers. i thought damn! wat am i gonna do. so i started walkin up 2 any1, even children askin them if they wanted fliers. wen time was up i looked @ my stack & it looked as if i didnt even put a dent in it. so im like dag...i hope jose did a betta job then me. so kevin & i walk up the block 2 wen we were all 2getha & calls jose. afta about 2 times tryin 2 call him, on the 3rd try we got in touch w/ him & old him that time was up. like the persistent person he is he told kevin that he wasnt stoppin cuz it culdnt have been ova that quick. so i look @ my fone & notice that it was 4:37. omg i thought, i remember shalise sayin that we had until 5:00 2 stop handin the out. kevin didnt believe me so he called harlemlive & like i said shalise said that we had until 5. so i told kevin that he needed 2 hurry up & cut on the video camera so that i can continue my job passin out these fliers. thas wen things started 2 pick up & thas wen i saw this man dressed a s a lil gurl w/ pigtails & a dress w/ a lollipop. i asked if he wanted a flier but he didnt but i still told kevin 2 follow him & shoot him on video. i followed this guy dressed like a lil gurl & told him that he looked fabulous lol. he did a little curtsey's 4 the camera. wow i thought the freaks only came out @ nite but i guess that rule doesnt apply 2 New York. anyway i was so flabbergasted (yes i had 2 use the big word) wen i saw that i was all out of fliers. i wanted 2 hurry up & meet up w/ jose so that i can c how he passin out skills were goin. & wen we all meet up he had a big stack. so i told him 2 give me half & wen i knocked that off i wuld get more. i was finished w/ that in no time so i got more & more & wen i realized it, we only had 1 flier left. i practically threw it @ the person wen i handed it 2 them. "wat's our timin kevin?" i asked. "47 minutes" HOORAY!!!!!! i was so happy. i had 2 say my words in front of the camera. "take that team swagg!" i said. it was crazy cuz we won by a thin strand of hair. team swagg had 48 minutes & we had 47. so on the ride home im all excited cuz i cant wait 2 get back 2 rub in their faces cuz they swore up & down that we were gonna lose. now i kno i said in my previous blog that i dont like 2 do that but this wasnt personal, it was jus business. iight so i walk in & im grinnin from ear 2 ear wen melvin cums outta the office sayin that he got a fone called from his cuzzin sayin that 1 of the harlemlive kids ave out about 10 fliers & thas cheatin & there is a possibility that our victory by a nose wasnt really a victory @ all. yes u kno it...i was pissed. "no" i kept sayin. i culdnt believe that under the circumstances that only 3 ppl from my team was here 2day & that we started extra late that we didnt win cuz of wat melvins cuzzin said. now u kno that the otha team members from deft fusion was there & their team is in last place w/ the contest of these fliers & they are in last place in general. so if we were doin sumthin that we werent supposed 2 b doin u kno that they wuld have said sumthin 2 us or 2 rich or melvin. i was so tight! i culdnt believe it. now they wanna tell me that there is only a possibility that we cheated & they will look into. but 4 now in my opinion, we won. i dont care man cuz that really isnt fair. on the ride 2 forty deuce i was contemplatin if whether or not i shuld b outta here & considerin evrythin that has happened & evrythin that im goin thru now thas makin me feel uncomfortable, i think ima go w/ that. i contributed alot 2 my team & im proud of them. i cant stress eunuff on how i dont wanna leave them hangin but i gotta go yo. i jus gotta go...peace!
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