Monday, July 30, 2007
Ok, where are back as a happy little HL family again. Inever seen so much teens work as hard as my group did today. We are back, everybody came back in with a brand new face, fresh hair cuts and the whole 9. thats wats up. we are back. I guess everybody was missied up friday cause of jonny stink breath( it had everybody missed up)lol. na im just playing. But wat i told u jonny we trying to get a mill(a million if you donot kno wat im talking about). Hasha Gure dont just play in the game we make the game, we set records, n love to play. We aint down yet guess as I told you before the beast, beast is out. I cannot go back on my word. Not until we win this syep challenge. After Hasha Gure are done this competition should be name the Hasha Gure Challenge. But off the cockyness Im so happy of my group. Getting back on there feet, starting the week of on a good foot. So lets get it.We are all winners but lets prove it, Hasha Gure needs more storys, more videos, more pos, everything, u look n the future for the best so we could become the best. thats how winners thank. thats how we should thank, thats how we need to thank.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Well...i feel a lot better today than yesterday. This may seem type crazy but who cares, i feel much better about going back to HarlemLive on Monday with my head held high. it's because i realized that it was very selfish of me to quit out on my team the way i did. i want to say to my team mates...Chris, Jose', Manuel, Raven, Darryl, Mary that I apologize for my selfishness & that I will return tomorrow with a better attitude. i still believe that we can win this competition if we just stick together even if things aren't going well. this weekend & many other things made my attitude change about a lot of things...not even necessarily HarlemLive but just my life in general. A lot of things were going on with myself that i couldn't figure out or that i just couldn't seem to shoo away from me. & i just want to say that D-Nyce is back in full effect(lol that was like so 90's) & this is gonna b my shortest blog ever cuz when i get back my work will speak for itself!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Today we gave our Friday presentation and we lost. Its alright, because with a team like Great Champion a champion has to lose at one point or another.Furthermore i would like to congratulate the winning team Deft Fusion for there creative. As i was presenting in front of my peers today,i didnt feel my power.I felt as if a part of me was missing.I presented my speech all choked up inside,not knowing what to say next. The little things that happened today will no longer be part of the Jose who has confidence and power in the future.
Also i would like to point out that our team is looking kind of unstable due to whats been happening with a few team members.At the moment, the people who are doing there work,keep it up.Now,for those who are slacking off in a team which means Great Champion better step there game up and get on their grind because this team isn't made to lose.
Also i would like to point out that our team is looking kind of unstable due to whats been happening with a few team members.At the moment, the people who are doing there work,keep it up.Now,for those who are slacking off in a team which means Great Champion better step there game up and get on their grind because this team isn't made to lose.
Yo, wat a day chris is about to past out 4 real, I always tell people I live life now and I would sleep when Im died but it looks like i have to change tat qoute today. Im mad sleepy. But on some real today was just one of those days My team for the first time looked very diconbobulated. There is alot going on with our team, not just in the group itself, but in there family, and there jobs. Its crazy. But now this wat really going to define our group. Are we winners or are we lossers. I know me by my self is a winner regeadless, but where do my team stand, everybody got to come out with a brand new face, this coming week. The real beast is about to come out real talk, n all those who feel im pushing it to hard. I am thats just me, rich, jonny, melvin etc..... They all wont to see the best out of every HL Kid so why are my team is still on that same level when the first got asigned to this group. real talk if they want to see the best out everybody. People from Hasha Gure should not only let them see the best let them hear, see, smell, and feel our team presents. Forget the best Lets give them your unparalleled abilitys for, wat ever thing they want us to do. This is not just a speech for the team its for myself cause knock knock im on this team as well, i can not walk away feeling as if we are doom cause we loss 3 very strong sides of our team. Everybody got to kno that what this team is capable of doing they have not seen yet. The beast, beast out. and yall kno i mean business. the last time i used this word was when we was in last places that first week. So where are we standing today on top. BUT THATS NOT GOOD ENOUGH cause everybody other teams are stepping it up. Team swagg made a tremendous change around in there prestation and work. Deft Fusion what a wonderful commercial it made me want to come to harlem live and im already here. But wat can I say step it up for real (this is for my team). Hasha Gure means great champion, Champions are champs cause they win. We dont have to win but we can die trying (copy writed by 50cent) real talk, if u try ur best n life, u got to wen cause nobody can stop u wen u giving ur all u cant loss. But Im done 4 today i got to get some sleep but daryal I miss you thats my word this song is for you. I need u back mama. But later
Thursday, July 26, 2007
HarlemLIVE Flier Handout
What can i say about HarlemLIVE, I've been learning so many things here,from doing a people on the street to meeting people and networking with them.Today we took to the streets of downtown for the annual flier hand out.As soon as we got out of the subway station we got on our grind and hustled in the middle of a busy sidewalk to give away fliers.At first it was some what intimidating raising my voice in public to strangers in the street saying "HarlemLIVE,HarlemLIVE, CHECK IT OUT, CHECK IT OUT.LOL. Although i was yelling,the strategy worked. We finish finished in approximately 47 minutes. Furthermore through out that time giving out the fliers,we saw a few strange people. For example,there was this one lady who had painted her whole body,and just had a thong with some slippers on.Now,don't you think she should have whore something?.Last i would just like to say that with all those distractions,we still stayed focused. SHOUT OUT TO THE TEAM HASHA GURE.CHEA!!
yo i first wanna say 2 my teammates that i truly have so much respect 4 y'all. for the time bein i had so much fun w/ u guys & i appreciate u all 4 steppin up & actin as if we are all a unit. i wanna stay in touch w/ u all cuz i really had a ball workin w/ y'all...Chris, Jose, Manuel, Darryl, Raven, Mary. Don't worry guys this is not goodbye, its a see you later. Now im leavin cuz of an incident that happen yesterday between rich & my pops. now i dont really kno wat happened but im sidin w/ my family of course. i came 2day 2 c how things were gonna b & how the staff was gonna react towards me. & wen i was about 2 go w/ my team 2 hand out the fliers rich said the words that i was expectin..."we need 2 talk". so i talked w/ him & melvin & went on my merry way 2 pass out those dreaded fliers on 42nd street. kevin from deft fusion video taped it & i must say that i saw the most craziest thing eva! ayo kevin & i saw a naked lady walkin down the street & her whole body includin her face was painted in blue paint. she was walkin in front of me & i stopped handin out the fliers 2 look @ her makin sure that wat i saw was wat i saw. the lady looked @ me & laffed wen she saw my facial expression. i culdnt even believe it so i took like a 10 second break & continued 2 hand out my fliers. while im handin them out i c my best friends grandma. i was so happy that i saw sum1 i knew cuz i knew that she was gonna take a flier. b4 all of this tho kevin & i 1st shot our footage in front of chase bank. the police came up 2 us & said that we had 2 move bcuz we culdnt shoot in front of there. ok no problem i thought but i didnt kno where else 2 go. so kevin walked w/ me up the block until we got 2 a spot where i was most comfortable handin them things out. i was pretty nervous @ 1st but as time grew on i got the hang of it. i was al little bit 2 comfortable cuz i realized that we didnt have much time & i still had like about 200 fliers. i thought damn! wat am i gonna do. so i started walkin up 2 any1, even children askin them if they wanted fliers. wen time was up i looked @ my stack & it looked as if i didnt even put a dent in it. so im like dag...i hope jose did a betta job then me. so kevin & i walk up the block 2 wen we were all 2getha & calls jose. afta about 2 times tryin 2 call him, on the 3rd try we got in touch w/ him & old him that time was up. like the persistent person he is he told kevin that he wasnt stoppin cuz it culdnt have been ova that quick. so i look @ my fone & notice that it was 4:37. omg i thought, i remember shalise sayin that we had until 5:00 2 stop handin the out. kevin didnt believe me so he called harlemlive & like i said shalise said that we had until 5. so i told kevin that he needed 2 hurry up & cut on the video camera so that i can continue my job passin out these fliers. thas wen things started 2 pick up & thas wen i saw this man dressed a s a lil gurl w/ pigtails & a dress w/ a lollipop. i asked if he wanted a flier but he didnt but i still told kevin 2 follow him & shoot him on video. i followed this guy dressed like a lil gurl & told him that he looked fabulous lol. he did a little curtsey's 4 the camera. wow i thought the freaks only came out @ nite but i guess that rule doesnt apply 2 New York. anyway i was so flabbergasted (yes i had 2 use the big word) wen i saw that i was all out of fliers. i wanted 2 hurry up & meet up w/ jose so that i can c how he passin out skills were goin. & wen we all meet up he had a big stack. so i told him 2 give me half & wen i knocked that off i wuld get more. i was finished w/ that in no time so i got more & more & wen i realized it, we only had 1 flier left. i practically threw it @ the person wen i handed it 2 them. "wat's our timin kevin?" i asked. "47 minutes" HOORAY!!!!!! i was so happy. i had 2 say my words in front of the camera. "take that team swagg!" i said. it was crazy cuz we won by a thin strand of hair. team swagg had 48 minutes & we had 47. so on the ride home im all excited cuz i cant wait 2 get back 2 rub in their faces cuz they swore up & down that we were gonna lose. now i kno i said in my previous blog that i dont like 2 do that but this wasnt personal, it was jus business. iight so i walk in & im grinnin from ear 2 ear wen melvin cums outta the office sayin that he got a fone called from his cuzzin sayin that 1 of the harlemlive kids ave out about 10 fliers & thas cheatin & there is a possibility that our victory by a nose wasnt really a victory @ all. yes u kno it...i was pissed. "no" i kept sayin. i culdnt believe that under the circumstances that only 3 ppl from my team was here 2day & that we started extra late that we didnt win cuz of wat melvins cuzzin said. now u kno that the otha team members from deft fusion was there & their team is in last place w/ the contest of these fliers & they are in last place in general. so if we were doin sumthin that we werent supposed 2 b doin u kno that they wuld have said sumthin 2 us or 2 rich or melvin. i was so tight! i culdnt believe it. now they wanna tell me that there is only a possibility that we cheated & they will look into. but 4 now in my opinion, we won. i dont care man cuz that really isnt fair. on the ride 2 forty deuce i was contemplatin if whether or not i shuld b outta here & considerin evrythin that has happened & evrythin that im goin thru now thas makin me feel uncomfortable, i think ima go w/ that. i contributed alot 2 my team & im proud of them. i cant stress eunuff on how i dont wanna leave them hangin but i gotta go yo. i jus gotta go...peace!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Daily News of D-Nyce
Im so exicted that my group is ahead by many many many points! it brings me joy 2 walk around sayin that i am apart of Hasha Gure. i guess its because of the hard workin teammates & i that bust our behinds 2 get our asses out of second place. I wanna say that i am proud of u Great Champions! I really am. Im jus so nervous about the presentation on Friday. This is sumthin totally different 4 our group & i hope we dont bomb this 1 cuz we have been doin so well lately. i heard johnathan sayin 2 kaira in deft fusion that her "teams needs 2 pick up speed because Hasha Gure is [leavin the otha teams in the dust]". I Love It! I'm only bragggin about it now cuz I wuld neva do it in front of them. im jus not that type of person 2 throw my victory in the opposin players faces. it isnt rite. so the best way 4 me 2 gloat is on the good ol blooger...HAHAHA. we got alot accomplished 4 2day as well. my story about genarlow wilson is edited, revised, & stamped on the story ticket. im more than ready now 2 start finishin up my otha 1 that i started typin a while ago. damn i have so much 2 do. im tryin not 2 get stressed out cuz i kno how i get wen im stressed. i becum a she-devil bitch (excuse my language) & i becum very distant & irate. there were many times i was like this in skool wen i got 2 overworked on a skool project & i tried 2 stay away from my friends so that we wuldnt have an argument. i kno that that side of me will show alot more in high skool & thas wat i am afraid of. i dont like 2 b bitchy or mean...but i can b! kinda sad that my sister left yesterday to go back home in Texas. i wanted her 2 stay & live w/ us but i knew that that wasnt gonna happen cuz she has 2 go bac 2 skool in august. im so proud of that chick! shes goin 2 college 2 becum a lawyer & i kno she will b very successful @ it. i jus dont like 2 b so far away from her. wen shes in NY she is like my siamese twin. we're always 2gatha. if she still lives in TX by the time i go 2 college i mite go 2 college in TX or very close near it. rite now i dont wanna move away from NY cuz im gonna miss all my ppls & most importantly...NY itself! i have neva lived in any otha place but NY & im used 2 evrythin about this place. it wuldnt bother me if i move wen im on my way 2 college cuz ima create a new life around that time. i hear sum kidz say that they will miss their motha & will becum homesick wen they go away. 4 me, wen i 1st move away ima b like adios! 2 my parents lol. nah but afta like 6 months or so ima miss them. hmmm...hey is this blog long enuff cuz im gettin in2 my whole life story up in here lol?
P.O.S Day
Yesterday was my first POS. For all of you that don't know what a pos is, it is a story that you do and interview people while being video taped. But my first pos was terrible I was nervous and only wanted to stay in one spot while people walked pass. I only interviewed to people about gentrification and how it has an effect on african americans, and people through out New York. After my two interviews raven took over. I figure she did a terrific job because she was out for a while. Maybe the next one I will have more confidence.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Advisor Meeting
This is Mary. Yesterday I met Hasha Gure's advisor, Bianca Lane. Bianca is cool. It felt really good to meet someone who FINALLY understood where I was coming from in my stories. I didn't have to worry about explaining where I was coming from; it was such a relief! Bianca told me I was a good writer and had the ability to draw people into my stories. Seeing as I thought I was a bad writer, it felt great to have a person tell me that I was a good one. Holla back!!!!!!!!!
In fact, Bianca told me not to change anything about the story that I wrote for my school newspaper earlier in the year. My school is too ultra-conservative. The editor for the newspaper totally changed the format of my article saying that freshman students were not ready for the hard facts. They were probably gonna see it on the news anyway! I was tight!!!!!!
With the changes, my article didn't make sense and nobody read it. I spent 3 weeks on that mess w/ the intention of informing my fellow students of what's happening in the world. That never happened b/c everybody labeled my article as stupid & didn't read it. Thank God I didn't join the school newspaper until my senior year- I probably would have had mad fights w/ the editors over the years.
In fact, Bianca told me not to change anything about the story that I wrote for my school newspaper earlier in the year. My school is too ultra-conservative. The editor for the newspaper totally changed the format of my article saying that freshman students were not ready for the hard facts. They were probably gonna see it on the news anyway! I was tight!!!!!!
With the changes, my article didn't make sense and nobody read it. I spent 3 weeks on that mess w/ the intention of informing my fellow students of what's happening in the world. That never happened b/c everybody labeled my article as stupid & didn't read it. Thank God I didn't join the school newspaper until my senior year- I probably would have had mad fights w/ the editors over the years.
Monday, July 23, 2007
another day
My new motto is ''Another Day , Another Story'.' I just found out today while interning that I have to wakeup at 6am on thursdy. The senator has to go to Albany and vote on the congestion pricing and you know me as a intern they bring me with them. This means I will miss another day at harlemlive but not to worry becaue this is just a more in dept story for my group about what goes on in albany. They say it will be over at 5 and we will back home before 9. Sometimes I feel like i have alot to do ,epcially for little or no money at all but like I say '' Another day , Another story ''. But I have to go now because I have to get something to wear for albany. It is pouring but there won't be anytime to do that within the next two days because by the time I get out of harlem live the stores are closed and i be to tired to do anything. LATA
Hey what up?! I'm not sure about how I'm feeling right now. I guess its because at HL its really quiet in here and the awkward silence is making me uncomfortable. On top of that its raining and I think that maybe I should have stayed home today. I'm hungry and I need some gum badly because my breath smells like garlic from the garlic bread I ate earlier. Maybe that was a bad choice eating that in the street before I came here. I'm kinda tired too and I feel like I should have wore a jacket here because its kinda nippy outside. Umm...I don't know what else to say but the fact that I'm going to try to keep a positive attitude while I'm here today and to keep myself away from anything negative. I would end this little segment right now my rich digs in our asses about making our blogs type long so I'm going to write as much as I can. I should start thinking about another story that I'm going to write about because I'm sick of rich comparing this year's batch of HarlemLive kids to last year's batch of HarlemLive kids. I never liked being compared to anybody because I can never be like no one but Daryal. I sometimes feel that some of the staff wishes we would be like last year's kids because they probably did more work than we do. PROBABLY! Hmm...I'm not all that excited about the presentation that we have to do on Friday. This week our team would be stepping out of our normal organized professional powerpoint selves and stepping into the world of video and possibly humor. We have won every presentation so far and I'm afraid that if we do something different we might not have a chance. But we will see. Come on Hasha Gure...we can do it!!!
Last Week
Last Week at Harlemlive my group and I had to make a funding presentation. Our technique for our presentation was to keep it simple, and professional. Unlike the other groups, they made video presentations, and put a lot of comedy in it. I just want to inform all of the groups that sometimes adding comedy to your presentation isn't always the best policy. At the end of all of the groups presentations, the judges made comments and told us what we need to work on to inhance our skills. Then when it came down to announce a winner my team Hasha Gure got first place. Right now my group has won every presentation, and we continue to.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Congratulations to our team Hasha Gure,for outstanding good work and dedication. Today i learned a lesson that showed me not to read everything that's on a index card when speaking. This action causes to lose attention of the audience.Furthermore i am beginning to feel more confident when i am public speaking.Compared to when i first came to HarlemLIVE,i started off being a really quite person,then slowly began feeling comfortable of my surroundings.As time past, i now feel even more determine to win the competition and gain as much knowledge as possible.
Congrats,To Hasha Gure
R.I.P Brunillda
Congrats,To Hasha Gure
R.I.P Brunillda
It was another good day at Harlem live. Each group had to make a funding presentation so that we can convince people of helping Harlem live with some money because This program is in need.
Wat a day, it was very intrusting, i came n, n nana n Maurice was fight, then franky came n fill off the bike, then marice n daryel was about to fight, then ronld got push off of nana bike n got hit by a car. O yeah we got one more victory. I do not know how we did it but we did it through, struggle, psin and alot of yelling with each other but we did it. N we got to keep pushing. every team is going to come at us with something crazy. they r very creative and smart when it cums down 2 commericlas and advertisement. They do it every week with the graphics and creativiy so u already kno when it comes down to this week prestation we got our hands full Chris stay up
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Yea , i know someone has to miss me. I havent been in harlem live for two days , but i havent been relaxing i have been working on contacts for us to interview so i can have some juicy stories. I am so cifident rightnow becaus everything is going so well. I am so rhetoric to the point people assume im older. Isnt that great.
P.S I am so glad to be apart of my team ( even though its one i cant even pronouce LOL )
P.S I am so glad to be apart of my team ( even though its one i cant even pronouce LOL )
Mary Is Having a Bad Week
A bad week is an undestatement of the week I'm having. Things haven't been right in my house since Sunday night. My parents are getting on my everlasting nerves and my sisters are making it even worse on me. I can't wait until August... which is when I leave 4 school! I can't even go 2 my aunt's house to get away from the dysfunction in my own house- it's mad dysfunctional over there too.
I'm on 2 a new topic. I wasn't at HarlemLive on Monday or Wednesday b/c I had to clean the damn house 2 get ready 4 appliance deliveries. My dad is such an asshole, sometimes. Me and my sisters were cleaning 4 our mom, not him. He has the freaking nerve 2 say "I appreciate the help girls." What the hell is that? I am so pissed... it's not even funny how mad I am. I need 2 get out of the damn house B4 I blow up and curse somebody out. It's even worse b/c I have 2 share a room w/ my sister and I just want 2 be left alone. Damn!!!!!!!!!!! I have no freaking patience 4 my freaking sister especially with the way she's acting now. August cannot come soon enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm on 2 a new topic. I wasn't at HarlemLive on Monday or Wednesday b/c I had to clean the damn house 2 get ready 4 appliance deliveries. My dad is such an asshole, sometimes. Me and my sisters were cleaning 4 our mom, not him. He has the freaking nerve 2 say "I appreciate the help girls." What the hell is that? I am so pissed... it's not even funny how mad I am. I need 2 get out of the damn house B4 I blow up and curse somebody out. It's even worse b/c I have 2 share a room w/ my sister and I just want 2 be left alone. Damn!!!!!!!!!!! I have no freaking patience 4 my freaking sister especially with the way she's acting now. August cannot come soon enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another day at Harlem live
Today was another exciting day at Harlem live. When I came in today my group was in a class with Liza from the show 60 minutes, was explaining about how to make a 30 minute show. My group was also explaining about gentification and how it is affecting citizens through out New York. Now my group and I are going to do a story on that topic.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Being part of a team is o.k., I mean it is a little hard because I am not use to working so hard. Today it is poring down raining. The rain may cause some people not to come to work today. No work, no pay so we'll see what happens.

yo dis is daryal & im tight! im in my house instead of @ work cuz the pipes in the kitchen are leakin like crazy. its comin from the ceilin & im in the house by myself. im tryna get in touch w/ my moms but she @ work & her job requires her 2 move around alot so no1 can reach her. im tryan wait 4 my sister 2 cum up here from her boyfriends house but she dont have no way of gettin up here. culd this b the worst day of my life? yea i think it may b. i wanted 2 cum 2 work 2day cuz i wanna help my team w/ our presentation on friday. even tho its wednesday b4 u kno friday is gonna b here already. man i cant stress enuff how tight i am!!! & where the hell is my motha?! i have 2 get in touch w/ this woman so she can kno wats goin on up in here. we jus did laundry & im usin all these clean towels 2 clean up this mess. i wonder if my neighbors r goin thru wat im dealin w/. idk wat 2 do. i guess ima have 2 jus continue 2 try 2 get in contact w/ my moms & try 2 keep the situation under control. >:O GRRRRRRR!!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
To was nice day every one was chilled n the work shop was very good. Minnette Coleman was really helpful. She seem like a cool down to earth person and it was also cool to bond with the other teams on a none competitive level. BUT it was really a relaxing day (about time, dealing with Harlem Live)
learning experience
Today was a learning experience. The staff of Harlem Live went to a public speaking class in lower manhattan. Minnitte Coleman the teacher of the class, was explaining about what it take to be successful at networking, and interviewing someone. She taught us how to be well prepared when public speaking, or interviewing. We also had to participate in a networking activity where everyone had to introduce themselves to one another and explain what their occupation is.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Today i came in HarlemLive feeling some what sad,but that doesnt change anything. At harlemLive the show still must go on. Today i also went on a story hunt with Darrel, which indeed he still has to work on his public speaking skills. At the moment I'm working on the footage of the DigitalLife expo. The expo was very educational, I learned that you can access your entire home with the click of a mouse. Also there was so much technical gear to check out. I actually saw a flying dragon fly robot in mid air,which was awsume.
Futhermore we took a lession on journalism with Richard,which had me sleeping for like 2 mintues.Althought i was tired,i still gained a lot of knowledge on what he tought us. A few topics he reviewd was the interviewing process and the different types of news to cover.
Futhermore we took a lession on journalism with Richard,which had me sleeping for like 2 mintues.Althought i was tired,i still gained a lot of knowledge on what he tought us. A few topics he reviewd was the interviewing process and the different types of news to cover.
Just finished a class. Even though I was like one blink away from falling asleep I enjoyed it. It wasnt that the class was boring , I have just been up since 8 this morning. I went to my internship and left to come straight to Harlem Live. I have been doing this for about a week now and I think all this running around without really eating and no braek is finally catching up with me. I enjoyed my class because I enjoy journalism and love finding ways for me to improve my work. Learning the difeent ypes of stories and how to improve my stories makes me feel a whole lot better and makes me even happier I joined HARLEM LIVE.
Today is Monday & I'm kinda glad to be back @ work because I'm so ready for this competition. Right now my group is in the lead (shout out 2 Hasha Gure) I'm so psyched that we finally are in the lead because we started out in last place in the beginning, then we moved to second, now we in first & hopefully I hope we stay there!! When my group gets here today we can talk about what our goals are for today.
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Ok we knock the first 1 out but now we know we got to come back Harder then ever, there cant be no more playing around, we cant have people messing up our vision or we cant let people say things about or name or who we are to discourge us. Our NAME IS UNIQUE, WE ARE UNIQUE AND WE ARE STRONG AND CREATIVE. Thats why every thing they had to say sumthing, or put Graphs up where our team is on the bottom of both of the team cause they know we are strong, and when we understand that who can beat us. (NOBODY) we just got to keep training and work then we will be the Greates Champion (Hasha Gure) IM out Chris ( o yeah in this letter not once did you hear me say u know wat That word is LOL)haha
Friday, July 13, 2007
Presentation Day
Today is presentation day @ HL & im not nervous @ all. I normally am wen it cums 2 speakin in front of people. I never really had the eye for speakin in public but since i have been doin it so much i kinda got used 2 it. rite now im jus waitin 4 the presentation 2 began i think we only got 20 mins left 2 spruce up our power point & get our nerves 2getha. majority of our team is here & im ready!!!!!!! :-D
Word of the day
The japanese word of the day is "Shuushi" meaning Stop. The word Shuushi is used when your telling some for example to "stop fooling around".STAY POSTED UP ON NEW JAPANESE WORDS EACH DAY. Our team today will be presenting who we are,what we do and what our plans are to win this competition.
Congrats to my team Mates on going out helding three storys in 1 day. Mary in the Morning. Jose and at Digital Life, and Raven and Darrell at te Book Signing. Also to Daryal and Manuel thank you so much for clean up and making the place look nice in tighty. But Daryal Y u didnt tell me tat the author at the book signing was your favortie author I would of diffently mad sure that you had mat with him and ask him mad qusetion, and made sumbody else clean up or I would of cleaned up the rest that wasnt done Cause I came n later on that night any way. (But dont be mad more will come) Baby babyLOL
Thursday, July 12, 2007
No More Minisink!
I'm so excited that i dont have 2 go 2 minisink 4 orientation anymore. it was so boring. anyway my team is gonna go out & get a story @ the hue-man bookstore bcuz treasure e. blue is gonna b there. he made my favorite book in the whole wide world called harlem gurl lost. i wanna go but im gonna stay & help my other team mate clean up & finish our chores around harlem live.
YAY today I am working on my first story. I am interviewing Treasure E. Blue the author of HarlemGirl Lost and A Street Girl Named Desire. Yesterday I looked the authour up this way I can have questions to ask him. Me and other team mates also looked up the summary of his new book this way we can question him about the plot. The others questions will just branch off the information he gave us. As time goes by I know I will be better at interview becuase like they say " Practice makes perfect ." I like the way his books are considered a " urabn fairy tale " LOL.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Team
Hello my name is Manuel Blue, I am with the blue. The people that are in my group is Daryal, Chris, Darral, and Jose. My group and I are in the process of getting things organized, because I was out for 2 days. I think that my group has a fighting chance in the competitiion even thouh we are in last lace. The task that my group members have is video production, and journalism. So far things have been going okay, even though I was missing from the group. My partners have started certain task already and have gain some credits within the group.
The Group
OK its war Now
Yesturday me and group had to cook, we throw it down. Every body was smacking there lips and rubbing there tummy. Everything was good until I came in today in found out my team is in last Place. But no complian all I got to say is just watch out for what is about to Happen NO More Playing (you Digg), We wasnt playing before but knew the beast is out and he is hungray
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Hasha Gure
My group consists of me, Chris, Daryl, Jose`, & some new members. We already have our name & it means great champion in japanese. I already have a feeling that our group will be successful by the end of the summer. We are ahead because we have alot of things done by the first week! Team Hasha Gure iz da Best!!!! :-D
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