Sunday, July 29, 2007


Well...i feel a lot better today than yesterday. This may seem type crazy but who cares, i feel much better about going back to HarlemLive on Monday with my head held high. it's because i realized that it was very selfish of me to quit out on my team the way i did. i want to say to my team mates...Chris, Jose', Manuel, Raven, Darryl, Mary that I apologize for my selfishness & that I will return tomorrow with a better attitude. i still believe that we can win this competition if we just stick together even if things aren't going well. this weekend & many other things made my attitude change about a lot of things...not even necessarily HarlemLive but just my life in general. A lot of things were going on with myself that i couldn't figure out or that i just couldn't seem to shoo away from me. & i just want to say that D-Nyce is back in full effect(lol that was like so 90's) & this is gonna b my shortest blog ever cuz when i get back my work will speak for itself!

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